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A month Abigail Orona

Writer's picture: jlongfordjlongford

It’s me again, still causing trouble as per usual. But, I have tried to be on my best behaviour, I swear! To prove it to you all, I am writing another blog to update you on some of the tasks that I have completed thus far.

The first thing I did was gain experience with phone calls. I had never done any in my previous work experiences and so, this was a great opportunity to change that. I observed satisfaction survey calls to tenants to get an idea of what to say which then helped me to prepare for doing them myself. I was a little nervous at first, but through repetition, I became more comfortable with talking to tenants over the phone. It was only when a tenant said that they were interested that I realised I didn’t actually know much about ambassadorship and how to properly explain the role to someone. After educating myself a little more, I now feel confident I can do this and that I’m ready for next time.

I then gathered more experience and further developed my phone manner by doing calls for the Great Estates project. This was different in that the calls were longer and I had to type whilst listening if somebody wanted to fill out the survey over the phone with me. If you’re an ambassador, you might’ve also seen me knick-knock nannying tenants and leaseholder’s doors on the Great Estates walkabout which was heaps of fun! That was until I saw Scott and Ian doing the same to my grandma who lives in one of the blocks. That was when I pulled it together and started to actually do the door knocking I was supposed to…

After seeing other team members do the talking on door visits, I did eventually take the lead on one and there were a few things I believe I could do better. Altogether, I really enjoyed seeing the communal areas for myself and hearing resident’s feelings on theirs. The surveys were great in pinpointing the positives and negatives that came along with the renovations as well as help us to reflect and see what could’ve been improved. Using the surveys we had gathered so far, I produced a presentation to analyse these results which I had to present to a lot of people. As soon as I woke up that day, I had already come up with 100 ways this could go horribly wrong. Although, once I began talking the attendees through my slides, I quickly got into the groove and before I knew it, I had finished. I was ecstatic that it’d went swimmingly and I honestly don’t know why I was ever worried in the first place. Nevertheless, I know how I can do better and I can’t wait to share my next presentation that showcases the final results.

At the moment, I’m working on a spreadsheet for Oxford Direct Services that lists all the tenants that’d voiced repair concerns in the satisfaction survey. When this is completed, I will then need to call the tenants to find out more details such as if the repair is still outstanding and when the last time they spoke to Oxford Direct Services was.

Stay tuned for more updates!

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Doing a grand job! Learnt a lot and doing so much. Your presentation in great estates was fantastic. Was great meeting you too in the flesh so to speak via a pc screen. Already looking forward to reading your next update 🙂🎄

Abigail Orona
Abigail Orona
Oct 18, 2021
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It was great to meet you too, and I am so pleased that you liked my presentation. 🤗 It was definitely something to learn from and will hopefully me to prepare better for the next one.

Thank you Dave, I will get to producing that next update!✏️


Oct 11, 2021

You are certainly making your mark Abigail! Really enjoyed reading your update. I hope your experiences are making you feel you are treading the right path towards your future. No one will pretend it will be easy but when you get things right it can be so rewarding.

Now eagerly awaiting blog number three!

Abigail Orona
Abigail Orona
Oct 18, 2021
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Thanks Brenda, I love reading your comments and appreciate that people leave them, they do put a smile on my face.

There is a feeling of accomplishment when you've done something you have never done before and the more challenging it is, the bigger the feeling. I couldn't of ended up in a better place to study and work, there isn't many places like the Council.

I will get on to it, M'am!


Oct 11, 2021

I have white hair now - honestly! Abigail you are a credit to the team. Well done and the more you do, the more we will ask you to do. I am so very grateful you are part of this team and my goodness how you have changed my sense of what can now be possible and achievable.

Abigail Orona
Abigail Orona
Oct 18, 2021
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Bring it on, Boss! I will do my utmost best.


Olga S
Olga S
Oct 11, 2021

Wow, brava to you Abigail, that's an amazing first month and fantastic how you share it! Brilliant to hear how you've been plunging-in, quickly going beyond your comfort zone, learning fast and getting in the swim with these valuable calls, also face-to-face door visits with tenants and presenting to large groups... And now I'm almost out of breath as I see you moving forwards with the ODS spreadsheet on repair effectiveness. Great stuff! Your enthusiasm, energy and learning shines and you are with a great team! So looking forwards to your next blog, and hearing some of the magic being done to make things happen with real people involvement!

Abigail Orona
Abigail Orona
Oct 18, 2021
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Thank you ever so much Olga! I am so very lucky that they let me be a part of this team and the council is just a great place to work in general. You deal with lovely people such as yourself and the other ambassadors, it is truly a pleasure to know and work alongside you all 🙂.

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