Make a difference...make a change...
Let's Start a Conversation...
FREE Training Sessions
Due to the current situation, we are unfortunately unable to deliver our FREE courses in person.
Many of you have missed us (and we have missed you too!)
As an interim solution, we have uploaded some sesions for you to enjoy at your own time and pace in the comfort of your own home or social bubble.
You could always learn to do one of these sessions and then hold a zoom call with others and enjoy making things at a distance.
Whatever your preference, we hope you enjoy these and we will continue to upload new ones until we meet again!
You can do as many of these as you wish.
All we ask you to do is register your details and give us some feedback afterwards.
Question a month
This is our newest way for our tenants and leaseholders to give us your views and it’s the easiest way to get involved. All you have to do is cast a vote online once a month (from your armchair, on the bus, picking up the kids from school or even lying in bed!)
We’ll send you a text or email (whichever you prefer) with a question – click reply and send us your answer to cast a vote.
We might ask questions about your local area, what you think about the way we do things or even about the Government’s housing policies. It’ll be your opinions that help shape the way we provide our services.
To register your details contact us at tenantinvolvement@oxford.gov.uk or call 01865 529906 with your full name, address, email and mobile telephone number.
Once registered, you will be sent one message per month.
If you complete a minimum of 80% of the surveys each year you will receive £20 in shopping vouchers.