Make a difference...make a change...
Let's Start a Conversation...
Start a conversation, get involved and make the change!
Lots of different services make up our Housing and Property Service here at Oxford City Council. As a customer, you have every right to make sure these services are being delivered to you in the best way possible.
We need your experience knowledge and expertise.
Why get involved?
Being involved will give you the chance to:
Be active in shaping your housing services
Make your area a better place to live in
Make your area a better place for future generations
Give us your views on the services you receive
Be part of a group to review and improve services
Help us better understand your needs
Gain useful skills
Receive relevant training
Meet new people
How do I get involved?
You can choose how to get involved and when by selecting the type and level of involvement that suits your lifestyle. We will use different ways to consult and make it possible for tenants to participate. We will consult with you on all areas of the Housing service and on some policies and procedures that affect tenants. Some of these main areas are:
Repairs and Maintenance
Customer Services
Our Great Estates Programme
Anti-Social Behaviour
New builds and renovations
Mystery Shopping
This enables tenants and leaseholders to examine the quality of the housing service provided by Oxford City Council and provide a strong customer based feedback mechanism. Feedback will then help contribute to the improvement of services. Appropriate training will be provided to all who participate.
Contact us today to start a conversation
Register of Tenants
The Register allows tenants and leaseholders to become involved through responding to one question a month via text or email.
Contact us today to start a conversation
Editorial Team
The Editorial Team, consisting of tenants and leaseholders work together to produce your Tenants in Touch Newsletter four times a year. The Editorial Team will also be involved in communications sent to all tenants and leaseholders.
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Champion Ambassadors
This role provides a point of contact for our housing staff. Champions will work with the designated service area in representing tenants & leaseholders in meetings on issues and services that affect them, helping us improve and maintain service standards.
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Consultation Group
To assist with the development and review of policies and procedures, as and when required, members of the Tenants and Leaseholder’ Forum will be invited to participate in focus group workshops to discuss and develop specific housing policies. This will provide an important conduit from you to input into the development of new policies.
Contact us today to start a conversation
Tenant and Leaseholder Inspectors
Inspectors will examine two service areas annually. The inspectors will report twice a year on services scrutinised and provide recommendations for improvement where necessary. Relevant training and expenses will be provided.