Another season gone and we are well into Autumn and the long cold days of winter are approaching fast and we are back in another lockdown but not as harsh as March so hopefully we can keep people employed, but we must abide by the rules to do this and hopefully we can beat this horrible virus with a vaccine in the New Year we might just do it .
Well what have I been doing over the past few months?
We have relieved the garden of it’s beautiful summer blooms and replaced them with pansy, cyclamen and spring bulbs. Harvested the last of the fruit and vegetables which would not have survived the winter. So the garden is looking very bland and I can’t wait for the spring to see colour and life back in the garden again and the birds singing in the trees.
In the kitchen we have pickled onions and eggs, made apple chutney and Christmas cakes which are maturing nice ready to be marzipan, iced and decorated in December.
Christmas will not be it’s usual merry self this year, as we will not be able to hold Christmas parties and gatherings, but we all have to put on a brave face and use social media, I am sure most of us know about zoom etc, but we can still send cards for people who don’t.
Hopefully 2021 will be better and we can all get back to be sociable, we must be aware of people who live alone and do not have close friends and family to visit them at Christmas.
Stay safe everyone and have a good Christmas and New Year as best you can in these sad times.