We have all been there. We look at our income, we look at our expenditure and we hope to see how we might plan to fulfil our aspirations for the future.
In other words we plan our budget (or try to!)
We know we must meet certain bills (rent, mortgage, electric, gas, water etc.) or find ourselves in trouble. We have to provide food on the table for ourselves and family. Travel expenses, clothes, the list goes on.....
Hopefully there might be some left that we can use to enhance our lives in some way.
Now imagine setting a budget for the City Council.
The law states they must provide certain services. There is however the dilemma of things the Council feel they should provide for the residents but how should they be funded?
Every year the Council survey the public for their views on certain priorities. Which services should we give priority to? How should the income from the Housing Revenue be spent? What priority should we give to the Climate Change agenda? The list goes on.
The consultation is open now. I have registered my preferences and I urge you to do the same.
Please don't be put off by the pages of figures provided. If you feel overwhelmed skip to the consultation and look at the questions. If at any stage you want to change your answers or add comments you can until the closing date.
We should welcome the chance to have our say – so please take the opportunity and fill in the survey.
Don't forget you can also canvass your local councillors if there are specific projects which should be supported in your area.